Essential Gold Ore Dressing Equipment for Gold Ore Plant

MineralMiningSolutions2024-07-25Mining News6560

Gold deposits have high mining value, their beneficiation process is complex, and the gold beneficiation equipment used are different. At present, the commonly used methods in gold separation process include cyanidation, flotation and gravity separation,

That is, the raw ore is crushed, screened, grinded and graded, and then passes through beneficiation equipment such as leaching mixing tank, flotation machine and gravity separation equipment.

Next, we will mainly introduce the gold products used in each gold deposit sorting stage in detail.

Gravity separation gold separation equipment: in the gold separation process, the gravity separation method is to use the difference between ore density and particle size, with the help of the joint action of medium fluid and various mechanical forces to produce appropriate loose stratification and separation conditions. This method can be used to obtain products with different densities and particle sizes. It is mainly used to separate coarse-grained gold before and after flotation and leaching. The gold deposits mainly include jig, shaking table, spiral chute, drum chute, flat chute, water jacket centrifuge, etc.

Flotationgold separation equipment in gold concentrators, flotation method is often used to treat gold bearing minerals with high floatability and float gold into copper and lead concentrates. This process mainly uses gold concentrate for gold extraction. Its main equipment is all kinds of inspiratory mechanical stirring flotation machines (SF flotation machine and BF flotation machine). JJF flotation machine) and aerated mechanical stirring flotation machine (KYF flotation machine, XCF flotation machine).

Cyanidation equipment cyanidation is one of the main beneficiation methods of gold mine. It can be divided into two kinds: stirring cyanidation and percolation cyanidation. In this process, the gold extraction process of mixed cyanidation mainly includes cyanidation zinc replacement process (CCD and CCF) and unfiltered cyanidation carbon slurry (CIP and CIL). The commonly used gold separation equipment mainly include zinc powder replacement device, leaching stirring tank and high-efficiency, low consumption and rapid desorption electrolysis system.

Essential Gold Ore Dressing Equipment for Plant Mineral processing equipment gravity beneficiation flotation Cyanidation 第1张

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