Heap Leaching Technology: Applications and Benefits

MineralMiningSolutions2024-07-24Mining News1740

With the large-scale development of gold deposits and the increasingly serious depletion of resources, the heap leaching process will be more widely used, and its technology to improve the leaching rate has been widely used.


(1)For ores with high fines or clay content and poor permeability, granulation pretreatment technology should be adopted to improve the permeability of ore pile, accelerate leaching speed and improve leaching rate. The ore can be fully granulated or screened out to granulate the fine part according to the situation.

(2) Heap building method is an important link in heap leaching gold extraction process. In heap building, it should be considered to eliminate segregation as much as possible to make the whole ore heap have similar permeability and avoid ditch flow or local blockage. Therefore, advanced arc heap building equipment is adopted in the process of heap building, and the process of “subsection and layered heap building, cross spraying and multistage countercurrent leaching” is adopted; At the same time, the method of supplying air to the ore pile in the process of pile building is solved; Lay liquid collecting pipeline to solve the permeability of ore pile and improve leaching effect.

(3)According to different conditions, drip and spray technology are adopted to distribute liquid evenly. Heap leaching is carried out in Gobi, desert, arid, high temperature and water shortage areas. In order to reduce the evaporation of solution and save water, drip leaching technology should be strongly advocated.

(4) Adding oxidant, leaching enhancer, wetting agent and other Leaching Aids in the heap leaching process can accelerate the leaching of gold and improve the leaching rate of gold, which is also the focus of the strengthening technology of heap leaching gold extraction process. In the future, we should vigorously strengthen the research in this field.

(5) For heap leaching of refractory gold ores, we should strengthen the research on pretreatment technology, expand gold resources and improve the strategic reserve of gold resources.

Heap Leaching Technology: Applications and Benefits Low grade gold ore processing heap leaching difficult to select 第1张

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