What are the methods of cyanide gold selection?

Anonymous2024-07-26Frequently Asked Questions7160

What are the methods of cyanide gold selection?

The methods for cyanide gold extraction are pit leaching, heap leaching, and carbon slurry adsorption (CIP or CIL), which allow thorough mixing of reagents and ore.

Methods of Cyanide Gold Selection

Cyanide gold selection is more accurately termed cyanide gold extraction or cyanidation. It's a metallurgical process used to extract gold from its ore.

Here are the primary methods used:

1. Heap Leaching

Suitable for low-grade ores.

Ore is piled into large heaps and sprayed with cyanide solution.

Gold dissolves in the solution, which is collected and processed further.

What are the methods of cyanide gold selection? 第1张

2. Tank Leaching (Vat Leaching)

Suitable for higher-grade ores.

Ore is crushed and placed in large tanks.

Cyanide solution is added and agitated to dissolve the gold.

The gold-laden solution is then processed further.

What are the methods of cyanide gold selection? 第2张

3. Carbon-in-Pulp (CIP)

Involves the addition of activated carbon to the gold-bearing pulp.

Gold adsorbs onto the carbon surface.

Carbon is then stripped of gold using a strong cyanide solution.

What are the methods of cyanide gold selection? 第3张

4. Carbon-in-Column (CIL)

Similar to CIP but uses columns filled with activated carbon.

Gold-bearing pulp is passed through the columns, allowing gold to adsorb onto the carbon.

Note: These are the primary methods. Variations and combinations of these methods can be used depending on ore characteristics and economic considerations.

What are the methods of cyanide gold selection? 第4张

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